Category Archives: Cloud

End of Support for Atlassian Server – Why it’s High Time to Migrate to the Atlassian Cloud

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Three, two, one – gone: Support for Atlassian server products ends today. But what does this actually mean for Server customers who have not yet initiated a migration? We explain the disadvantages and risks for your company and provide you with some good arguments for switching to the Atlassian Cloud.

Jira Work Management – Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Teams

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When non-technical teams jump on board the Jira solution for technical teams, they are confronted with features and terms that are aimed at technical requirements and only reflect the needs of business teams to a limited extent. But Jira Cloud is now also helping these teams: with Jira Work Management, all business teams can work on products in the Jira environment, turn ideas into projects and play their part in creating customer value. In this blog post, we would like to present the latest functions that Atlassian has recently delivered for Jira Work Management.

8 Advantages of Modern Cloud Software – Results of An Atlassian Survey

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As the infrastructural basis for modern enterprise software, the Cloud platform has what it takes to transform working life for the better and help companies achieve greater flexibility, productivity and efficiency in an increasingly complex competitive landscape. And the results of a recent survey among Atlassian customers who have completed the migration from on-premise to the Cloud show that these are not just marketing slogans and sales promises.

Atlassian Cloud: Price Adjustments in October 2023 and Product Adjustments in November 2023

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Atlassian has announced pricing adjustments for the Atlassian Cloud that will take effect on 18 October 2023. This involves changes to the list and benefit prices for certain cloud products. In addition, Atlassian is also limiting the execution of automations for Jira Cloud products. These automation limits will take effect on 1 November 2023. We’ll give you an overview of what changes you can expect.

Atlassian Apps: More Transparency and Security for the Atlassian Marketplace

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If your organisation is migrating to the Atlassian Cloud or is already using the Cloud products, chances are your teams will want to use Marketplace apps alongside the core products. And of course, these apps should meet your organisation’s privacy, security and compliance requirements. However, with thousands of apps from hundreds of vendors, sifting through the solutions to meet these requirements is no trivial task. To simplify the process, increase transparency and give customers more control over app extensions, the manufacturer has recently rolled out a series of innovations for the Atlassian Marketplace and product administration.

Remote Work and Distributed Teams: 4 Insights into the Future of Flexible Work

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It has now been around three years since the pandemic fundamentally changed the world of work in many sectors and industries. And as it turns out, this trend towards greater flexibility is apparently here to stay. This is proven by the figures of the Atlassian report “State of Teams” from 2022: 22 percent of the surveyed teams work completely remotely, 35 percent work completely in the shared office again, 43 percent follow hybrid models. Around two-thirds of all teams have thus abandoned the traditional approach, with the high proportion of hybrid teams being particularly striking. This raises some interesting questions about the future of work, and “State of Teams” gives us some figures in this regard.

Atlassian Together – a Work Management Suite for the New World of Collaboration

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The world of work has changed and many companies are now organising themselves differently than before the pandemic, which has accelerated many developments – including the acceptance of distributed teams. The new product suite Atlassian Together steps up to support organisations in their transformation to an open, agile, transparent collaboration culture and to provide them with the appropriate toolset for modern collaboration in teams and across teams.

Atlassian Intelligence: How AI Features Take Atlassian Products to a New Level

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We are seeing seismic shifts in the field of artificial intelligence these days. AI is poised to significantly change the way people work, and it has the potential to dramatically accelerate that work. Atlassian has been using machine learning to improve the user experience of its products for some time. Examples include personalised search results or recommendations when people are mentioned. At the recent customer and user conference Team ’23, Atlassian presented the new generation of AI technologies that are now being implemented in all Atlassian cloud products. This article shows you the possibilities.

Organizing Your Consulting Delivery Projects in Jira

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A very popular industry that is involved in nearly all sectors of business, is consulting. No matter what niche a consulting company operates in, the team still has value that needs delivering. They also need to track that value to ensure that the team delivers it in a timely and cost effective manner. The best way to make sure the service provided to the clients is consistent is to create templates in Jira.

Templating.App – Standard Approach to Creating (Social) Media with Templates in Jira - Standard approach to creating (social) media - thumbnail

If you promote your products through social media, it pays to make sure it looks professional every time and you don’t forget anything. Well, if you use Jira for your issue tracking, there’s an easy way to make you never forget any steps: templates. With, you can create one template to rule them all, where you just have to enter some variables for every new campaign instead. Read on to find out how.